Why You Should Trust a Hypnotherapist to Help You with Your Lazy Habits
In the past, people thought that hypnotherapy was a pseudoscience because it was linked to occult practices and often confused the practice of hypnosis and the therapeutic benefits of hypnotherapy. However, in recent years, the scientific community has been able to scientifically verify that hypnosis does work.
We know that habits are very hard to break. In fact, according to a 2015 study by Duke University Medical Center and Brown University School of Medicine, habits take up at least 40% of your life. This is where hypnosis finds its main strength because the one thing hypnosis is very good at changing is complex subconscious habits.
I will discuss how hypnosis and by virtue hypnotherapy can be best used for helping you with your lazy habits and how it can be a very useful tool in getting you what you want out of life.
Hypnosis to Stop Being Lazy and Reach Goals
Let's start by agreeing that being lazy is a very limiting and dysfunctional habit. Being lazy not only stops us from getting things done or reaching our goals but also helps us to create unnecessary physical and mental anxiety and stress. Eventually being lazy leads us to not just feeling lazy, but also being too lazy to do even the smallest tasks. Your goal to stop being lazy will only be reached if you actually do something about it and not just ‘think’ you’re going to do something.
Hypnosis is a state of mind where you can focus and think clearly using your subconscious mind. It is one of the most effective ways to change behaviors and ways of thinking. It is a very powerful tool that can be used for many reasons. Some use hypnosis to enhance their performance, to change their eating habits, or to eliminate bad habits. In this article, we will discuss various ways how you can use hypnosis to enhance your life and reach your goals.
Find a trigger to get started.
Once you have activated your inner motivation to accomplish a goal, the only thing left to do is to go ahead and do it. And what better way to do it than to use hypnosis? Hypnosis can be just the push you need to take the next step in achieving your goal. When you are in this state, it is possible that you will find that all of the barriers that have previously made it difficult to get started have disappeared. Once the subconscious barriers, negative self-talk, lack of self-belief then it’s time to activate that inner motivation using a variety of techniques we have previously explored on this blog site; including the 5-second rule and the 5-minute rule.
Within the context of an activation trigger like the 5-minute rule, avoid laziness by setting yourself achievable goals. Set yourself small goals, ideally 5 minutes in duration that are achievable in a day or two, instead of setting yourself large goals that are very hard to achieve in a short period of time. Try rewarding yourself with something every time you complete one of your smaller goals - this will help motivate you more and keep your momentum going!
Challenges of Living a Lazy Life Without Self-Improvement
People are used to living a less extravagant life with the rise of new technologies. Nowadays, people are more focused on how they can be more productive instead of doing things that are not necessary.
There is no way to get anything done without waking up at the right time in the morning with the right attitude. People don't have time or energy for self-improvement because they are too lazy and exhausted from their everyday tasks, which is why some people live a full life without self-improvement. So if you want to become more motivated and less lazy start creating repetitive, achievable, short daily goals which you are far more likely to stick to.
How Hypnotic Repetition Works and What It Can Do for You
Have you ever wondered why some people can get into a trance-like state while listening to a monotonous sound, such as rain falling or the waves on the shore?
The reason behind this is something called hypnotic repetition. Hypnotic repetition works by building up neurons in your brain until they become oversensitive. This can lead to you being more suggestible and open to changing your mind about certain things.
As hypnotic repetition continues, it will have an effect on your subconscious mind, which is where all of our beliefs are formed. This means that when you're in this deep state of hypnosis, you'll be more open to taking on new beliefs that may have been previously rejected because they conflicted with what you already believe to be true.
Even if you start off feeling unmotivated to do a task, by repeating it for a period of 14 days while making the task short and manageable, and rewarding yourself after each activity, your subconscious can be influenced to want to complete the task more readily.
How to Use Self-Hypnosis to Reach Your Goals Faster and Easier
Sometimes one of the easiest ways to achieve a goal is to visualize it first. Self-hypnosis is a great way to create a virtual outcome or goal which excites the subconscious and creates a clear roadmap to what you consciously want to achieve.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is a process that allows the mind to focus on something intensely. It can be used to enter a state of deep relaxation or to focus on achieving a specific goal. A person will usually be asked by a therapist or hypnotist to sit down and close their eyes. The therapist will use their voice and other techniques, such as hand gestures, tapping the client’s arm, for example, to induce a hypnotized state. When in this state of hypnosis, many people can achieve relaxation and allow their minds to think more creatively than they would normally.
About the author
David Faratian is the principal hypnotherapist at The Cumbria Hypnosis Mindfulness Clinic. He founded Cumbria Hypnosis in 2006 and since then it has consistently been one of the highest-rated and reputable hypnotherapy clinics across Cumbria, South Lakes, and The Northwest. David specializes in a full range of psychological issues and has a dedicated site devoted to each issue. Visit www.cumbria-hypnosis.com